Dentistry Blog

Improve your smile with Invisalign and whitening services

The team of Aesthetic Dentistry of Georgetown work routinely with adult patients to help improve the appearance of their smiles with cosmetic dentistry. Many patients who want to straighten their teeth and brighten their smile may ask our team about the benefits of using both Invisalign and professional whitening to enhance the teeth and feel […]

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If you had a magic wand, what would you change?

Have you ever wished your teeth were straighter?  Or whiter?  Or both?  If you’re like most people, the answer is absolutely!  In fact, the data has shown again and again that most people want a straight, bright, white smile.  Even beyond that, studies show that straight white pretty smiles are associated with nicer and more […]

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Understanding the Link Between Periodontal Disease and Immunity

Did you know that your oral health and your body’s immune system work together? The mouth is the “gateway” into the body, and when patients have conditions such as periodontal disease, they are likely to affect other areas. Many patients are unaware of this link, known as the oral systemic connection, and how infection in […]

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Getting Back to Healthy Post-pandemic

What should we learn from this experiment in group psychology, immunity, and infectious diseases?  One thing we know for certain is the best way to stay healthy is to start healthy!  As is the case with infectious diseases, the opportunistic nature of infections lends them to attacking immune systems that are already busy fighting another […]

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Are dental implants permanent?

When missing teeth call for long-lasting, dependable restorations, many patients turn to the benefits of dental implants. Dental implants are the perfect option for patients who need to replace missing teeth to restore the function, appearance, and health of the smile for the upcoming years. But many patients will ask the team at Aesthetic Dentistry […]

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Welcome to Your New Dental Family!

Welcome to your dental home! Take a couple minutes and read through this – there’s no doubt you will be glad you did!! Plus, we are offering Free Laser Whitening and if you mention this blog! I want to quickly touch on who we are and then more about the exciting offer to anyone joining […]

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What should I do if I am experiencing a dental emergency?

It doesn’t matter how thorough and prudent you are about brushing and flossing your teeth. There are still times when patients might deal with a toothache that becomes extremely uncomfortable. Or perhaps they are participating in a sport and experience a tooth being knocked out from an injury to the mouth or jaw. When the […]

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What options are available for whitening the smile?

If you have noticed discoloration and staining of the teeth due to habits such as coffee drinking or due to the natural process of aging, you may not be sure of the solutions available to you to enhance the smile’s appearance. Many patients will utilize products available over-the-counter at their local drugstore in the oral […]

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What to do in a dental emergency

Dental emergencies can occur at any time. But they don’t always require a visit to a traditional emergency room at a hospital. In most situations, patients can make a same-day appointment with a dentist who offers emergency dentistry care for new and current patients. Drs. Mark Duncan and Mandy Holley understand how significant it is […]

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How to deal with bad breath

Everyone has dealt with bad breath at one point or another during their lifetime. For some, garlicy dinners contribute, and for others, bad breath is the norm upon waking up each morning. However, there are some individuals who may deal with more chronic bad breath that might not be related to common causes. In a […]

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