Types of Sleep Apnea in Georgetown, TX

Snoring is the result of partially blocked airways in the nose and mouth, and is a common problem for many of our patients in the Georgetown area. It generally does not cause major health problems unless the obstruction is severe enough to cause you to stop breathing in your sleep. When this occurs, it is called sleep apnea, and there are three types that individuals can suffer from.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

The first type of sleep apnea is called ‘obstructive sleep apnea’ or OSA. Sufferers of OSA experience blocked airways to the nose and mouth during sleep, but the throat and abdominal breathing function is able to continual normally.

Snoring Treatment Georgetown TX

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

The second type of sleep apnea is called ‘central sleep apnea’ or CSA. CSA is different than OSA because it is caused when the brain’s signal to breathe is delayed. When this happens, oral, throat, and abdominal breathing all cease for a few seconds at a time. CSA is less common and usually happens as the result of a stroke or heart attack.

Mixed Sleep Apnea

The third type of sleep apnea is when an individual suffers from a combination of CSA and OSA. This is referred to as ‘mixed sleep apnea’ and is also far more rare than OSA alone.

How to Treat Sleep Apnea

To treat snoring and sleep apnea, Dr. Mandy, Dr. Mark and Dr. Devin can examine the features of your mouth and throat and recommend a fitted dental appliance or jaw adjustment device that will ensure your airways remain open while asleep.

If you are located in the Georgetown, Texas area and would like treat your snoring or sleep apnea, contact us today to schedule an initial consultation

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