What would straighter teeth mean to you?

Have you ever thought you wished your teeth were whiter? Or straighter? Or just looked better? Odds are you have, because only about 1/3 of adults front teeth are aligned properly. The thing about it is a pretty smile isn’t just a pretty smile!


There is a natural self-cleansing property that straight teeth have. In fact, the science has shown that even minor crowding changes the bacterial colonies that infect your gum tissue! When the teeth are crowded, the risk of cavities is greater, but it’s a deeper problem than that. When the teeth are crowded, the risk of gum disease and irreversible bone loss is greater too! invisalign could be the perfect gift for mom video 5f777828b248a

With all the news about infections and your immune system, it’s important to remember the things we can easily control to stay healthy. Chronic infection in the teeth or gums has open access to your whole body. Untreated gum disease is implicated in cancer and heart disease and diabetes and even Alzheimer’s. Untreated gum disease also puts you at an increased risk for infectious diseases like the cold or the flu – or COVID. Fortunately, there are some simple things that can be done to help keep you healthy. One of them is getting your teeth straight like they are supposed to be.


The way light bounces off of teeth has a huge impact on the color they look. Teeth naturally pick up color over time, and things like coffee and red wine makes them appear dull or darker. We offer the two best whitening systems available. The Zoom! in-office whitening can brighten your smile 8 shades in a single visit! And the KöR Whitening is the most powerful and least sensitive system there is! But, if your teeth aren’t straight, they also look darker.

The teeth have a front reflective surface that allows the light to bounce back. When the teeth are lined up, not only are they cleaner and healthier, but also they open up your face and eyes and appear brighter!


It’s been said the smile is the window to the soul. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of people who just don’t like to share their smile. Whether they are embarrassed by their teeth or just aren’t proud of them, they hide their smile and smile with their mouth closed. The problem is other people don’t know why they don’t smile and think they are angry or closed off as people.

With simple changes in the teeth and smile, people come out of their shell and not only smile more, but love life more! The psychological impact of a smile you don’t like is massive. The psychological impact of a smile you are proud of is even more impressive!


On average, invisalign takes about a year. The great news is there are a lot of very subtle changes that can make a massive difference in a smile. Most of the time, we can improve function and aesthetics and be finished with the whole process in no time. And, while you are wearing the invisalign, the trays are virtually invisible and surprising comfortable. With the advances in the technology, invisalign can correct crowding, spacing, overbite, underbites, and deep bites. With the comfortable and aesthetic way to fix both function and aesthetics, it’s no wonder it also enjoys a 96% patient satisfaction rate!


If you’ve ever wished your teeth were straighter or brighter, it’s worth it to check into invisalign. You will be surprised how much impact a smile you love can have on your life!

Call today to set up a consultation and see if invisalign is right for you!

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