The Holistic Difference

Why it matters

There has never been a more poignant illustration for the necessity of a good immune system than the Coronavirus pandemic. For years, we have known the best way to keep your body healthy starts with a healthy mouth. Today, the science is showing that the same holds true for COVID-19.  You are much more likely to get sick when your body is focused on fighting off a chronic infection or challenge.  Unfortunately, a lot of traditional dentistry has used materials that are either laden with heavy metals or have left the body with chronic low-grade infections.  At Aesthetic Dentistry of Georgetown, we have always taken a more holistic approach protecting health rather than simply treating disease.

What it is

We made a conscientious decision to use the least toxic, least reactive material that is available for dental care.  To help you achieve better health, we offer biocompatibility testing, safe mercury amalgam removal techniques (SMART), fluoride alternatives and working closely with Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Acupuncturist, ENT and Massage therapist, and others.  This team approach to general health provides so much more than a healthy tooth.

We know of the poisonous properties associated with the neurotoxin mercury, and have never used metal mercury fillings.  Our whole health approach has led us to blaze the trail in airway improvement dentistry, sleep restricted breathing management, non-surgical pain management of TMJ, and high quality conservative dentistry and cosmetic solutions.

How it works

By utilizing the SMART process, we offer the highest level of precaution when removing old fillings.  We offer fluoride substitutions as well as BPA free filling materials, and preservative free whitening procedures.  For fearful or anxious patient, free sedation and/or a drug free plug and play relaxation therapy is available.  Our biological periodontal therapy program consistently creates healthy gums. We use laser technology, oral probiotics, implement natural products, and nutritional counseling to provide a platform for health.  To help protect your health, we take into consideration nutritional patterns, breathing habits, past and current health conditions.  We know optimal health is when we treat the person and not just teeth.

Having a healthy beautiful smile greatly contributes to a happy life.  You achieve optimal health by unlocking the power of holistic dentistry.

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