Growing Pains… Thank you!
For those of you who have been in the office recently, you can tell that we have been up to something! We tried to keep it quiet, but it’s hard to miss the holes in the roof or the fact that there is a huge stairwell in the middle of the office! Since the cat’s out of the bag and it’s obvious that we are remodeling, we thought we would share what’s going on! There are two very cool reasons behind this so if you are interested, take a minute and read through our big news!
We have found ourselves in a very cool position where the support and loyalty of the patients in our practice has led to ongoing referrals of your family and friends. Thank you so much for that! We love that you trust us enough to entrust us with the care of your family’s health, and it means the world to us that you are willing to send your friends! Truly, there is no greater compliment than your referrals. That has lead to the kind of growth that requires more flexibility in our schedule to make sure you continue to get the care that you have come to expect. We have found several ways to make sure we provide that!
If you weren’t already aware, we have started regular hours in the office on Fridays. For many people, those are great days to go to the dentist, but historically it has been our time to make sure that we keep the team trained and focused to provide the kind of quality care you deserve and haven’t had clinical patient care hours on Fridays. With the addition of Dr. Mark Duncan, we have been able to expand to cover office hours Monday through Friday. We have also made some very exciting changes in our hygiene team! We couldn’t be more proud of Amy Hunt and her tremendous growth and the dedication she has to ensure excellent hygiene care for our patients. She is the hygiene team leader and the Director of Hygiene and Wellness and joined by Kristina Pelbath and Kelly Holt; two amazing hygienists in their own right. This team now has much more flexibility in making sure that your gum tissue care is available on a schedule that keeps you ahead of infection. You have probably heard us call this your balance point, and it is the most critical part of keeping your gums healthy so you can keep your teeth for life!
The problem is we didn’t have enough space and we needed to add an additional operatory to allow us to schedule your appointments and protect your health. This is hard to do in an office that had no room to expand so we had to remodel the doctor’s office and use that space as the new operatory. That will finally be done in a couple months and at that point we will be able to schedule with more flexibility as we continue to welcome your friends into our dental family! As you already know from your time with Dr. Mandy Holley, she is dedicated to providing the opportunity for the absolute best care dentistry offers!
Speaking of Dr. Holley, that’s a huge part of the other reason we have remodeled the office. Together, she and Dr. Duncan have a unique set of skills that offer other healthcare professionals an opportunity. Dentistry has emerged from simply ‘treating the white things’ to being an integral part of whole health and their personal educational journeys have led them to embrace Cranio-Facial Wellness as a foundation for the care they can provide. This would include the teeth, obviously, but also the soft tissue and musculature and airway and nutrition as a part of keeping your healthy. This creates crossover so that we are constantly talking and working with physicians and chiropractors and multiple other healthcare providers. They are able to provide non-surgical options to a wide range of issues such as periodontal (gum) disease to migraine and headache pain to Obstructive Sleep Apnea and snoring. Most dentists don’t recognize the depth of what dental care can provide and fewer have the training to be able to offer it as a part of their practice. This requires relearning some of the misinformation that is learned in medical and dental school and we are blessed that our office can provide those options and share them with the healthcare community! As we learn and grow together, we need a place to meet and collaborate.
In addition, one of Dr. Holley’s gifts is a knack for understanding business operations. This is absolutely critical to being able to provide exceptional care for patients as the education and equipment necessary is incredibly expensive and the last thing we want to do is pass that cost on to patients. We are very proud that our fees have been maintained at a level that is not only competitive in the area, but given the vast difference in the technology, materials, and training, the care at Aesthetic Dentistry is an incredible value! One of the dirty secrets of professional education like dentistry and medicine is that there is little to no business training so while the clinical skills may be great, the business skills are usually poor if they exist at all and without excellent business skills to manage the office, clinical care may suffer.
That’s the other reason for the remodel. The only place that was left to expand into was the attic, and we didn’t want to make our patients climb up and down stairs to get to their appointments, so that’s where we are relocating the doctor’s office. In that space, we will also be able to build a roundtable meeting room where we can work with other professionals on business systems to help them to be able to more smoothly run the operations of their practice so that they can invest more time doing what they love – providing care to their clients. It is quite likely that you will drive by in the evenings and see the lights on while we share the systems and protocols we use in the office with other professionals in the area.
It is an incredible honor to be trusted to care for your health and wellness. We fully recognize how much anxiety there is as a patient in a dental office, and we are always blown away when we get that heartfelt thank you from our patients for a job well done. We are always so touched when our patients are impressed enough with their experience that they recommend us to their friends. We see that the biggest force driving the growth in our practice is word of mouth referrals from patients and dentists and physicians and other health care providers and businesses in the area. Truly an amazing place to be and why we want to make sure that we not only continue to deliver the quality of care you expect but also take the time to thank you! As a matter of fact, as part of that thank you, any time we see a patient who was referred to our practice by you, we will send you a gift card worth $50 toward any service in our office!
We are so excited to have had to solve these ‘problems’ in our practice, and can’t wait to see this remodel get finished up! Be sure to check out the new digs when you are in again – and thank you for being a part of the Aesthetic Dentistry of Georgetown family!!