Annual Smile Freely Time!

With our Smile Freely program, we will provide the treatment to rebuild a smile and help someone change their life because it’s their smile that is holding them back! Every community has people who are held back by something they don’t have the resources or expertise to resolve, and we are excited to get the chance to provide this as a gift to our community and whomever this person is… but we need your help!

We firmly believe that the world is a better place when people do what they can to help others… and we are fortunate to be able to help people transform their lives.  Our office is built upon building a relationship with people first and creating a plan that is in alignment with their goals.  In doing this, we see amazing changes in people as they take charge of their health and smile and lives!

Of course, dentistry is expensive and not everyone can afford to make fix the things that are holding them back.  As a team, we decided that we wanted to be a part of helping someone whose smile is holding them back but can’t afford to do anything about it.  Like so many things in life, it is easy to get into a position where you are completely overwhelmed by the scope of the problem and can’t find your way to the solution.

There’s no question that each and every person has an amazing hero inside – and through the course of life, we get a chance to let that hero shine.  For some people, the anxiety and embarrassment of their smile keeps that hero hidden from the world and we want to help someone to let their hero out!

If you, or someone you know is trapped by your smile, we want to help.  Give us a call at 512-819-9100 and ask us to email you the submission details of the Smile Freely application.  From the submissions, we will read through and find the person whose smile will make the biggest life impact!  We would love to see this person’s hero shine and give them a chance to pay it forward however makes sense in their lives!

Philippians 2:4

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

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Aesthetic Dentistry Of Georgetown

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Office Hours

Mon – Wed: 8am – 5pm
Thurs: 8am – 4pm
Fri: 8am – 1pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

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